

University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Nursing, Doctor of Philosophy 2018
連絡先:ri-konno☆huhs.ac.jp (☆を@に変えて下さい)



Munh Z, & Konno R. (2009) Assisting caregivers to support people with dementia living in the community. Journal of Advanced Nursing,65(4),pp.773-774.


Stern C, Konno R. (2009) Physical Leisure Activities and their Role in Preventing Dementia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare,7(4),pp.270-282.


Assessment of faecal incontinence in older community-dwelling adults. (2010) Journal of

Advanced Nursing,65(4), pp.774-776.


Konno, R. (2010) Safety first: what is the best available evidence in regards to the management of medication in residential care facilities?  Nursing Review,5(1),pp.16-7


Konno,R.(2011)Strategies to reduce agitated behaviours in older adults with dementia during assisted bathing. (Master of Clinical Science) Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide


Konno, R, Stern, C and Gibbs, H (2012) The best evidence for assisted bathing of older people with dementia: a comprehensive systematic review.  JBI Database of Systematic Reivews and Implementation Reports,11(1),pp.123-212.


Makimoto, K., Hee Sun, Kang., Yamakawa, M. Konno, R.(2014) An Integrated Literature Review on Sexuality of Elderly Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. International Journal of Nursing Practice,April(21),pp.80-90(Wiley)


Konno R, Hee Sun, Kang., Makimoto, K(2014) A best-evidence review of intervention studies for minimizing resistance-to-care behaviours for older adults with dementia in nursing homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing,70(10),pp.2167-2180(Wiley)




Konno, R. (2007) Supports for overseas-qualified nurses in adjusting to Australian nursing practice: a systematic review. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare,2(2),pp.83-100.


Konno, R. (2008) Lived experiences of overseas-qualified nurses in Australia:Phenomenological study. PhD Thesis. The University of Adelaide Joanna Briggs Institute, University of Adelaide (Australia)




Cho, William Chi-Sing (Ed.) Konno, R & Gyi, A.(2012)  “Acupuncture and Moxibustion as an Evidence-based Therapy for Cancer Volume 3 of the series Evidence-based Anticancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine,” In Use of acupuncture and moxibustion in the control of anticancer therapy induced nausea and vomiting, Sydney, Springer


Lockwood C , Konno R (2008) The effectiveness, appropriateness and meaningfulness of self blood glucose monitoring (SBGM): a comprehensive systematic review. Commissioned by the  Australian Diabetes Educators Association. Sydney Australia


Konno R & Xue Y (2009) Systematic review of the effectiveness of isolation measures of patients infected with Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus (VRE) or Multi-resistant gram negative bacteria (MRGN) in reducing the length of hospital stay and in reducing the spread of infection to other patients.Commissioned by NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council). National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)


Manning  N & Konno R (2009) The effectiveness of personal protective equipment at reducing the transmission of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), and Vancomycin Resistant enterococci (VRE).Commissioned by NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council).National Health and Medical Research Council (Australia)


Konno, R.  (2010) Cochrane review summary for cancer nursing: acupuncture-point stimulation for chemotherapy-induced nausea or vomiting. Cancer Nursing,33(6),pp.479-480.



Jordan Z, Konno R 、Mu Paifan(2012)Synthesising Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion: Synthesis Science in Healthcare Series 3.Lippincott & Joanna Briggs Institute


牧本清子(編)山川みやえ、諏訪敏幸、心光世津子、近藤暁子、今野理恵(2013)エビデンスに基づく看護実践のためのシステマティックレビュー 日本看護協会出版会





科学研究費取得状況 (2012年以降)


  • 平成25⁻28年度 認知症患者への緩和ケアに関するベストエビデンス研究 基盤研究C


  • 平成29‐31年度 認知症高齢者のEoLに関する複合的エビデンスに基づいたガイドラインプロジェクト 基盤研究(C)



  • 平成27‐30年度 在宅認知症ケアを促進する包括的日常生活サマリー付参加型問題共有データベースの開発 基盤研究(B)
  • 平成26⁻29年度 アジアの認知症高齢者の徘徊などの心理行動学的徴候と関連要因の国際疫学調査 基盤研究(B)


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